Лицензионное программное обеспечение или пиратское? Каковы риски и преимущества? 

Director of Empire Soft LLC

Suleymanov Asiman

It is not enough to have a computer at hand to fully work with documentation. It is important that all necessary programs are installed on it. The software used can be either licensed, unlicensed or pirated. But which of these two options is preferable? Let's try to figure it out.


Лицензионная или пиратская версия. В чем разница? 

В чем же суть этих двух видов программного обеспечения?

Приобретая и устанавливая лицензионную программу, потребитель не нарушает законы об авторском праве, а разработчик получает денежное вознаграждение за свой труд.
Пиратская копия – это модифицированная версия лицензионного программного обеспечения, при этом далеко не всегда самая удачная. За хранение и использование пиратского софта нарушителю грозит административная, а в некоторых случаях и уголовная ответственность.
Согласно статистике, количество пользователей, предпочитающих использовать лицензионное программное обеспечение, растет с каждым годом.
Более того, пользователи, оформившие лицензию, получают ряд полезных функций: обновление программ, скидки на приобретение другой продукции, эффективность работы и другие.

    Among the advantages of using licensed software, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Legal protection: The licensed software grants you the right to use the program in accordance with the terms of the license agreement, which provides legal protection. You are not violating copyrights and are not at risk of illegal use of the software.

  • Updates and Support: Licensed software often includes regular updates and technical support from the developer. This means that you get access to the latest features and bug fixes, and you can also ask for help in case of problems or questions.

  • Security: Licensed software often undergoes security checks and testing, which helps protect you from vulnerabilities and malicious code. Developers are updating the software to fix the detected vulnerabilities and ensure the security of your data.

  • Trust and Reliability: Licensed software is usually associated with well-known and respected developers. Using their products, you can be sure of their quality and reliability. It can also guarantee compatibility with other systems and programs.

  • Legality: The use of licensed software allows you to be in compliance with the law regarding the use of programs and the protection of intellectual property. This is important to prevent legal problems and penalties related to the illegal use of programs.

These are just some of the advantages of using licensed software. They may vary depending on the specific software product and developer.


Advantages and disadvantages of using pirated software?

The only advantage of pirated software is that there is no need to pay the developer. But if law enforcement agencies catch you using pirated software or developers file a lawsuit, you will have to pay for illegal use of the software.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the following:

  • The possibility of infection of the source files or the installed program with malware and viruses. So, the installer may have a hidden virus inside, which gets on the user's computer during installation, which will lead to system failures. In addition, some programs have built-in protection against hacker attacks and some viruses. When rewriting the code, these functions can be disabled, which makes the program itself vulnerable and sensitive to worms and Trojans.
  • Lack of technical support and updates. Not only can you not contact the support service for help, but you also do not have the ability to set up automatic updates. This is due to the fact that during the update, not only do you receive new files and information, but your computer also transmits information about the product used to the company, including information about the availability of a license.
  • Malfunctions or decreased computer performance. Pirated software negatively affects the quality of your computer. Data processing speed may decrease, and programs may hang.
  • The system is becoming less secure. To install some programs that do not have licensed software, you must turn off the antivirus program. Moreover, some programs are in conflict with the antivirus system altogether. To work with them, you have to completely remove the antivirus system or disable it for the entire time you work in the program.
  • Problems with peripherals. After installing the programs, a driver or system conflict may begin, as a result of which you will not be able to connect a printer or scanner, a disk drive to your computer, and the disk drive will stop working.
  • Difficulties with the certification of the enterprise. When the company passes the certification procedure for compliance with the requirements of international ISO standards, the software is also checked, in particular, the use of exclusively licensed programs.

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